This website is run by Fashion District. This accessibility statement applies to this website.
This website uses HTML 5 (HyperText Mark-up Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to render content. We have also used other technologies including JavaScript on certain areas of the website.
We commit to ensuring this website is as accessible as possible and we want as many people as possible to be able to use it. This means that you should be able to:
We have also tried to make the website text as easy to understand as possible although we recognise
we have more work to do on this.
AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
We know that some parts of the website are not fully accessible:
If you need information on this website in an alternative, more accessible format please contact us at
Please include details of the content you need and the required format or the service you are trying to access. We will then work with the team who own the content or the service to get you what you need.
We aim to provide you with an initial response within two working days and will provide clear
information about how we will deal with your request.
We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on
this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, contact us at
We aim to provide you with an initial response within two working days and will provide clear information about how we will deal with your enquiry or complaint.
If you feel we have not answered your enquiry or complaint satisfactorily, please contact us again. We will escalate your enquiry or complaint to the Assistant Head of Online Services who will work with the
team who provides the service/content to get you a response.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).
For information about contacting us by phone or to arrange a visit to our offices please visit the Contact page.
We commit to ensuring the communications we produce are clear and accessible to the widest range of people.
We recognise our obligations under The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 and the Equality Act 2010.
UAL is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances and exemptions below.
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.
Our embedded videos are hosted on third party platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. These
platforms do not yet fully support audio description so we are unable to provide this separate audio
track. This fails WCAG success criterion 1.2.5 Audio Description (Pre-recorded).
We have implemented a new design system on the website and have released a number of new components for our editors to use. Components are the building blocks of our website, including buttons, cards and banners, which can be combined in various ways to create our webpages. These components were designed and built with accessibility in mind and every component has gone through or will go through further accessibility testing.
In some areas of the site, old components are still in use and these may not be accessible. We are in the process of updating all pages on the site so that they use our new components.
We recognise we have a lot more to do to ensure that all the documents on the website are accessible.
We have audited the website for PDFs and are working with our content editors to help them to fix the accessibility of our documents.
Please contact us if you have difficulty with any of the documents on the site and we will work to provide you with the content in an alternative, more accessible format.
We regularly review the content on our website and work with our content editors to ensure that the content is meeting user needs and follows best practice.
Fashion District is a subsidiary of University of the Arts London. UAL are developing accessibility training for UAL staff which includes accessible content and accessible documents training. There is also an accessibility information hub on our intranet that staff can refer to.
We are prioritising the accessibility issues above and we’re aiming to fix the high priority issues first that have the biggest impact on our users.
This statement was prepared on Monday 29 March 2021.
The website was last tested in March 2021. Testing was carried out by a third party supplier working on behalf of Fashion District